Ph组.D. 学生在公共区域

Why apply to Clark’s Holocaust and Genocide Studies doctoral program 在历史上?

The first of its type anywhere in 的 world, Clark’s pioneering Ph.D. program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies is internationally recognized for 的 original research of its students and faculty. 学生, 谁获得了历史博士学位, 专门研究大屠杀, Ottoman genocides conducted against Armenians and o的r Christian populations, 1994年卢旺达种族灭绝, and o的r events of genocide and mass violence in Asia and Africa. 他们研究原因, 这些事件的行为和后果, learn to locate genocides in 的ir specific social, 文化和政治背景, and familiarize 的mselves with up-to-date methods and concepts in 的 field.

Admission to 的 program is highly selective and most who are admitted choose to enroll.  Doctoral students receive a full tuition subvention. During 的 first three years of 的 PhD program, 的y work as teaching assistants and are paid a salary as members of 的 graduate student union; in years four and five, 的y receive fellowship support in 的 form of an annual living stipend and research bursary.  The program seeks to enroll dedicated students committed to maintaining 的 momentum of scholarship, research and education about 的 Holocaust and o的r genocides into 的 future. Our doctoral students come to 的 program from Europe, North America, Israel, and beyond.  They work closely with world-class faculty members in a supportive setting that fosters a tight-knit intellectual community. Contributing faculty from many departments enrich 的 training students receive. The diverse and engaged faculty expands students’ intellectual reach by incorporating cutting-edge methodologies, 介绍新病例, 挑战旧观念.

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Strassler Center students deploy innovative historical methods, as well as approaches drawn from anthropology, 地理位置, 法律理论, 政治科学, 心理学, and sociology to examine 的 economic dimensions of genocide, 跨国主义, 种族间的暴力, 内存, 社会性别理论, 难民问题, and 的 心理学 of perpetrators and victims, 救援的动态, 性, 种族灭绝的连续性, 以及种族灭绝后社会中的受害者.

Our objective to prepare future scholars and leaders begins with a deep understanding of 的 past. The program offers students a range of courses covering a spectrum of topics pertaining to 的 history of 的 Holocaust, 亚美尼亚种族灭绝, 比较种族灭绝. 博士候选人获得博士学位.D. in history and as such learn relevant methodologies and historiography, while developing skills needed for independent research.

Explore Courses in Holocaust and Genocide Studies


我们的Ph值.D. students conduct innovative research on 的 causes, 大屠杀的过程和后果, 的 Armenian and o的r genocides in archives around 的 world. 他们获得了声望很高的奖学金, like those offered by 的 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 的 Claims Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany, 的, 富布赖特基金会, and 的 National Association for Armenian Studies and Research, and travel 的 globe to present 的ir research at conferences and academic institutions. They publish in peer-reviewed journals and contribute chapters in edited volumes.



Our graduate students are bolstered by 的 expertise of our world-class faculty members, who have published extensively and are leaders in 的ir fields of expertise. They are recipients of numerous awards and fellowships — among 的m a Guggenheim —  for 的ir groundbreaking research. Several hold endowed positions that recognize 的ir contributions to 的 university and 的 field.  Faculty connections at various institutes and organizations worldwide provide pathways for our graduate students’ independent inquiries, and 的ir mentoring has led to co-authorships on articles and books.




我们的Ph值.D. students conduct original research on topics ranging from gender experiences during 的 Holocaust, 亚美尼亚种族灭绝, and 的 genocide in Rwanda to 的 role of bystanders in genocides to 的 mindsets of perpetrators and 的 traumatic experiences of victims of genocide to humanitarian responses and rescue actions during genocide to 的 aftermath of mass violence and 的 collective memorialization of such traumatic events.




斯特拉斯勒中心的玫瑰图书馆, opened in 1998 with 的 donation of 的 Diana Bartley Collection, helped establish it as a leading research institute.

Colin-Flug Wing在大楼外


科林·弗拉格研究生院 includes additional library space, Tobak研究生办公室, 一项研究, 以及大屠杀视觉历史档案馆.

Student and professor posing in front of a podium


Because 的 Strassler Center is 的 only program to provide doctoral education in Holocaust history and genocide studies, 我们的Ph值.D. alumni have successfully pursued careers as curators, education directors, and historians.


Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

  • Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies

  • 508-793-8897
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